full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Vinay Shandal: How conscious investors can turn up the heat and make companies change

Unscramble the Blue Letters

And herein lies the challenge. There's a growing group of ivenrsots, call them "conscious investors." Conscious investors care about ESG issues. And they talk a lot about engaging management on ESG issues. But they don't actually get management to make changes that will improve the environment and stoceiy. And this is where conscious investors can take a page from the playbook of the activist investors, because the aitvscit investors have no issues getting management to make changes. They have no issues truning up the heat.

Open Cloze

And herein lies the challenge. There's a growing group of _________, call them "conscious investors." Conscious investors care about ESG issues. And they talk a lot about engaging management on ESG issues. But they don't actually get management to make changes that will improve the environment and _______. And this is where conscious investors can take a page from the playbook of the activist investors, because the ________ investors have no issues getting management to make changes. They have no issues _______ up the heat.


  1. activist
  2. turning
  3. investors
  4. society

Original Text

And herein lies the challenge. There's a growing group of investors, call them "conscious investors." Conscious investors care about ESG issues. And they talk a lot about engaging management on ESG issues. But they don't actually get management to make changes that will improve the environment and society. And this is where conscious investors can take a page from the playbook of the activist investors, because the activist investors have no issues getting management to make changes. They have no issues turning up the heat.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
conscious investors 7
esg issues 4
esg performance 3
financial performance 3
barry rosenstein 2
wall street 2
good corporate 2
clear correlation 2
making money 2
plastic waste 2
paul singer 2
million dollars 2
navy officers 2
conscious investor 2
greener world 2
increasingly vocal 2
senior investment 2
investment professional 2
junior person 2
company underperforms 2

ngrams of length 3

collocation frequency
senior investment professional 2

Important Words

  1. activist
  2. call
  3. care
  4. challenge
  5. conscious
  6. engaging
  7. environment
  8. esg
  9. group
  10. growing
  11. heat
  12. improve
  13. investors
  14. issues
  15. lies
  16. lot
  17. management
  18. page
  19. playbook
  20. society
  21. talk
  22. turning